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Sanger ISD is deeply committed to partnering with parents to ensure the success of our students.

Our campus and district administrators will be proactive in providing support and resources in a way that attendance does not need to become an issue for any student or parent.  A wealth of information can be found throughout this webpage, in our Student & Parent Handbook, and through any of our campus administrators or attendance staff. We are happy to offer support to parents in their roles as education partners. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your student’s administration or school attendance clerk for additional assistance. We thank you for your continued support in this partnership.



Learn more about the district's Attendance Policies and Procedures


Linda Carlson

Linda Carlson

Attendance, Registrar
Sanger Sixth Grade Campus

 All students need to return either a parent or doctor's note after every absence.  Without a note, the student receives an unexcused absence, which could result in a truancy concern.  Students need to attend at least 90% of the school days.  Being absent, tardy, or leaving early could result in your student falling below the required 90% attendance.  Frequent tardies, early departures, or absences could result in your student being required to attend Saturday School.